Letter from the Editors
Dear faithful readers,
We at Two Point Conversion would like to apologize for the lull in coverage this past week, a regrettable occurence for which we have prepared the following excuses: Luke was training at his new job, Viddy was recovering from his birthday, and Patrick was blackout drunk.
Never fear, though, as we have a veritable cornucopia of new material headed your way this week, chock-full of pointed observations and sports acumen, destined to amuse, entertain, and explode your feeble little brains.
As always, we at TPC would like to remind you that the best way to ensure your sports-humor fix gets satisfied on a daily or almost-daily basis is to submit questions via the handy "comment" feature on the bottom of each entry. It has come to our attention that there are several readers who have taken the liberty of enjoying our free-to-read hilarity without contributing the necessary tithe of a question or two to be answered at a later date. So get your questions in, folks, so we can quit guessing at what you want to read about and start writing about stuff that interests you.
With love, admiration, and not the least bit of guile,
The Two Point Conversion editorial staff
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