Mission Statement
Basically, this is how this site will work...
Luke and I are going to field questions from anyone who feels the urge to send them. We don't care if they are sports related or not, but we will tackle a lot of sports stuff. We also do not care how absurd the question is. Fire away. Once we have your Q's we will try to do a point/counter point to your answer. That is, one of us will defend one side of the argument, while the other one defends the other side. We have already run into a few issues with this because we can't justify one side of a particular argument. In these situations we may just agree with each other, but do it for different reasons. So I guess you could look at this like a "Fact or Fiction" column. Or not, your choice.
Our E-mails can be found on this page, or on our original sites (Thoughts From the Shitter or Words for Everything).
One last quick note, our title is open to changes if you have ideas, but we thought Two Point Conversion was slick because it denotes that there are two opinions, its about sports, and "conversion" is a lot like "conversation." And yes, we know we are dorks for that.
We have finished a few questions already, and we are working on getting them up on here PDQ. So hold fast and get your sports shorts ready for the Two Point Conversion up in yo face.
B. Viddy